Описать героя из мультфильма буквально 7-10 предложений-какой мультфильм мне нравится, герой этого мультфильма, и описать какой он например большой или маленький,какого цвета он,роста что он любит кушать и т. д.. 5 класс.
I really love cartoons.I like about the dolls and about cars.But the most favorite is the lion king. my dad always said that we need to be takimzhe strong as Mufasa. I want to be as brave and interesting as this lion. when I have baby,I will tell him about swezy,and his grandfathers, and grandmothers.I am sure that he will love me like a lion his father
I want to be as brave and interesting as this lion. when I have baby,I will tell him about swezy,and his grandfathers, and grandmothers.I am sure that he will love me like a lion his father