Описание внешности на английском Рональда Уизли

8Евген8 8Евген8    1   15.12.2021 16:30    11

Haker2216 Haker2216  06.02.2022 08:02

Ron Weasley is a character in a series of novels by the British writer J. K. Rowling. Ron is afraid of spiders, but in real life he is very brave. His best friends are Harry Potter and Hermione Weasley. Weasley is the youngest son in the family, he also has a younger sister, Ginny. Ron's family is poor, Ron has an old wand, clothes, textbooks, and a Scabbard rat that lives for more than 13 years (in fact, the rat died, and in the guise of a rat was Peter Pettigrew). Ron is a student at the Gryffindor faculty, where his entire family studied. Ron dreams of becoming the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Ron has broken the school rules many times, but for the good of the school. Sometimes Ron has bright red hair, a snub nose, and a habit of saying things that aren't necessary. Ron is bad with spells, as his wands often break.



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Английский язык

5 - 9 классы

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Написать рассказ о своём любимом персонаже из Гарри Поттера, на английском языке. Можно про Рона Уизли!)



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Ron Weasley is a character in a series of novels by the British writer J. K. Rowling. Ron is afraid of spiders, but in real life he is very brave. His best friends are Harry Potter and Hermione Weasley. Weasley is the youngest son in the family, he also has a younger sister, Ginny. Ron's family is poor, Ron has an old wand, clothes, textbooks, and a Scabbard rat that lives for more than 13 years (in fact, the rat died, and in the guise of a rat was Peter Pettigrew). Ron is a student at the Gryffindor faculty, where his entire family studied. Ron dreams of becoming the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Ron has broken the school rules many times, but for the good of the school. Sometimes Ron has bright red hair, a snub nose, and a habit of saying things that aren't necessary. Ron is bad with spells, as his wands often break.


Рон Уизли- песонаж серии романов британской писательницы Дж. К. Роулинг. Рон боится пауков, но в жизни очень храбрый. Его лучшие друзья это Гарри Поттер и Гермиона Уизли. Уизли младшый сын в семье у него также есть младшая сестра Джинни. Семья Рона бедная, у Рона старая палочка, одежда, учебники, и крыса Коростаю которая живёт более 13-цати лет (на самом деле крыса умерла, а в облике крысы был Питер Петигрю) . Рон учится на факультете Гриффиндор, на котором училась вся его семья. Рон мечтает о том чтобы стать капитаном команды Гриффиндора по квиддичу. Рон много раз нушал школьные правила, но во блага школы. Порой Рон имеет ярко-рыжие волосы, вздернутый нос и привычку говорить то что не надо. У Рона плохо с заклинаниями, так как его палочки часто ломаются.

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