Описание картинки по плану (объём 10-15 предложений

Описание картинки по плану (объём 10-15 предложений

lolololololf lolololololf    3   04.10.2021 13:59    1

mlyz mlyz  04.10.2021 14:00

In the picture we see that the family is preparing for the new year. Mom cooks something and the kids help her. Children really like to cook something for the new year. They are dressed in festive New Year caps. On the table they have flour, eggs, butter. They have a garland and a wreath hanging on the wall. Their table is also decorated. They are very funny.

probably they already have everything ready, it remains only to prepare the table. It's good to celebrate the new year.

алинагаврова алинагаврова  04.10.2021 14:00

надеюсь будет понятно я просто привыкла писать на листе

Описание картинки по плану (объём 10-15 предложений
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