Оперделииь 1 жанр 2 выписать технические термены дать им перевод 3 выписать грамматические структуры предложения из текста дать им характеристику и перевод на русский язык 4 дать характеристику данному жанру и надо его перевести. Вот текст Modern surveying Basic control surveys
Geodetic surveys involve such extensive areas that allowance must be made for the Earth’s curvature. Baseline measurements for classical triangulation (the basic survey method that consists of accurately measuring a base line and computing other locations by angle measurement) are therefore reduced to sea-level length to start computations, and corrections are made for spherical excess in the angular determinations. Geodetic operations are classified into four “orders,” according to accuracy, the first-order surveys having the smallest permissible error. Primary triangulation is performed under rigid specifications to assure first-order accuracy.
Efforts are now under way to extend and tie together existing continental networks by satellite triangulation so as to facilitate the adjustment of all major geodetic surveys into a single world datum and determine the size and shape of the Earth spheroid with much greater accuracy than heretofore obtained. At the same time, current national networks will be strengthened, while the remaining amount of work to be done may be somewhat reduced. Satellite triangulation became operational in the United States in 1963 with observations by Rebound A-13, launched that year, and some prior work using the Echo 1 and Echo 2 passive reflecting satellites. The first satellite specifically designed for geodetic work, Pageos 1, was launched in 1966.