Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the verb. 1. i (have) a nightmare when the alarm clock (go off and wake me up). 2. we (fly) to australia later this summer. it’s a long flight. it’s strange that when we (get) to sydney, we (fly) half way round the world. 3. i’ll come as long as you (pay). 4. i (tell) you a secret on condition that you (not tell) anyone. 5. it was such lovely weather that we (take) our swimming things in case we (get) a chance to go swimming. 6. pay no attention to graham. he (just/be) stupid again. 7. by the time jean gets back, it (be) too late. 8. in twenty four hours’ time i (relax) on my yacht. 9. by the end of next year i (work) for him for 45 years. 10. he must be tired. he (jog) for a whole hour. – why (he/jog) so much these days? 11. (i/do) the shopping for you? 12. watch out! you (bang) your head on the doorframe. – oh! i (not realize) it (be) so low. 13. why (you/feel) the radiator? (it/feel) cold in here? 14. can you remember what (you/do) ten years ago today? 15. the trouble with you is that you (forever/complain). 16. come on! by the time you (finish) getting ready, we (miss) the train! 17. one of the most important pieces of news now is that the british oil corporation (discover) oil under the sea near the welsh coast. the com-pany, which (drill) for oil in the area since 1990, (find) small amounts of oil near swansea last month, and since then (discover) larger amounts under the seabed nearby. the reaction of local people to today’s news (be) mixed so far. * 18. the baby (keep/close) his eyes. he (fall) asleep soon. 19. i (work) hard, so i felt i (de-serve) a holiday. 20. we (own) the car for 6 months when it (get) stolen.

yul310588 yul310588    2   01.10.2019 09:02    3

Kotumi Kotumi  09.10.2020 07:27

1. was having, went off and woke me up

2. are flying, we get, will have flown

3. pay

4. will tell, do not tell

5. took, got

6. is just being

7. will be

8. will be relaxing

9. will have been working

10. has been jogging, is he jogging

11. Am I doing

12. are going to bang, did not realize, is

13. are you feeling, is it feeling

14. were you doing

15. are forever complaining

16. finish, will miss

17. has discovered, has been drilling, found, have discovered, has been mixed

18. is keeping close, will fall

19. had been working, deserved

20. had owned, got

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