Open the brackets the correct tense indefinite/past perfect. write down the sentencesin your exercise book. 1. when the delegation(to arrive) at the conference, the journalists already(to take) their places in the hall. 2. when the secretary(to get) fax, the boss(to go) home. 3. the chinese(to inventy) paper earlier than the europeans. 4. we(to write) the article when mike(to bring) new information 5. the city(to learn) about a new exhibition from morning newspapers. 6. l (to read) the book before i(to watch) the film. 7. she(to understand) that she never(to see) such a beautiful picture before.

GALAXY356 GALAXY356    3   13.09.2019 14:10    103

ульянаклимова1 ульянаклимова1  13.09.2019 14:10
1.  arrived, had taken. 2. got, had gone. 3.    had invented. 4. had written, brought. 5. learnt. understood, had never seen.
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