Open the brackets, please! 1. i (clean) the house all morning. 2. i (write) a letter to father frost from 10 to 11 am. 3. i (choose) already a christmas tree. 4. we (decorate) just our tree with colored lights. 5. my mother (prepare) special food and cookies for 3 hours. 6. we (go) to the church this morning. не понимаю, там что-то в скобках над сделать

ked00p08uz1 ked00p08uz1    3   14.09.2019 11:20    0

demondru demondru  07.10.2020 14:06
1. I was cleaning the house all morning.

2. I was writing a letter to Father Frost from 10 to 11 am.

3. I have already chosen a Christmas Tree.

4. We have just decorated our tree with colored lights.

5. My mother has been preparing special food and cookies for 3 hours.

6. We have gone to the Church this morning.
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