Open the brackets and put the adjectives into the right form (comparative or superlative). write the superlative or comparative form of the adjectives in one line, separated by a comma. don’t forget about the definite article with the superlative form. write the words with small letters. don't put the full stop after the last form.
примечание: запишите 5 прилагательных в превосходной или сравнительной степени (без цифр) через запятую. не забудьте про определенный артикль с прилагательными в превосходной степени. слова пишите с маленькой буквы. точку в конце ставить не нужно.
example: the most interesting, smaller, the funniest, warmer, the coldest
1. which is (large): the united states or canada?
2. what is the name of (big) port in the united states?
3. moscow is (large) city in russia.
4. the london underground is (old) in the world.
5. there is a (great) number of cars and buses in the streets of moscow than in any other city of russia.