Ongs. Subtotal 20
very crowded
for ages.
2 Choose the right variant from those given after the text.
A funny thing 1
me when I 2
from work
the other day. The train back from London 3
as usual, but, anyway, I eventually 4
to find a seat after I
It was in a non-smoking compartment, unfortunately, and that was too
bad. Anyway, next to me was a very smart looking older woman. A scruffy-
looking man 6
opposite her. After a few minutes this man
a cigarette of his pocket and 8-
to light it.
The woman politely 9
him not to smoke and 10
the no-smoking sign. The man 11
as if she 12
anything and then 13
forward and 14
in her face. I 15
angry myself by this time but the woman was
amazing! She 16
the fire extinguisher and
him in water. He was so surprised that he 17
his cigarette which the water 18
anyway. Then she calmly
his cigarette up, put it in the bin and 20
reading. It was brilliant! The whole compartment, who 21
the episode with great interest 22​

tupitsa3 tupitsa3    1   24.04.2021 03:52    41

Nastya90Lapka Nastya90Lapka  23.12.2023 20:57
1. Вопрос: Who was sitting opposite the older woman?
Ответ: A scruffy-looking man (неряшливо выглядящий мужчина)
Обоснование: В тексте сказано: "A scruffy-looking man 6
opposite her."
Пояснение: Scruffy-looking означает, что мужчина выглядел неряшливо, неопрятно.

2. Вопрос: What did the man take out of his pocket?
Ответ: A cigarette (сигарету)
Обоснование: В тексте сказано: "After a few minutes this man 7-
a cigarette of his pocket."
Пояснение: Man took out a cigarette значит, что мужчина достал сигарету из кармана.

3. Вопрос: What did the woman do when the man tried to light his cigarette?
Ответ: The woman politely asked him not to smoke and pointed to the no-smoking sign (женщина вежливо попросила его не курить и указала на запрет курения).
Обоснование: В тексте сказано: "The woman politely 9
him not to smoke and 10
the no-smoking sign."
Пояснение: Politely asked означает вежливо попросила, pointed означает указала.

4. Вопрос: What did the man do after the woman asked him not to smoke?
Ответ: The man ignored her and continued to light his cigarette (мужчина проигнорировал ее и продолжил зажигать сигарету).
Обоснование: В тексте сказано: "The man 11
as if she 12
anything and then 13
forward and 14
in her face."
Пояснение: Ignored означает проигнорировал, continued означает продолжил.

5. Вопрос: What did the woman do to stop the man from smoking?
Ответ: The woman sprayed him with water from a fire extinguisher (женщина облила его водой из огнетушителя).
Обоснование: В тексте сказано: "She 16
the fire extinguisher and
him in water."
Пояснение: Sprayed означает облали водой, fire extinguisher означает огнетушитель.

6. Вопрос: What did the man do when the woman sprayed him with water?
Ответ: He dropped his cigarette (он уронил свою сигарету).
Обоснование: В тексте сказано: "He was so surprised that he 17
his cigarette which the water 18
Пояснение: Dropped означает уронил.

7. Вопрос: What did the woman do with the man's cigarette?
Ответ: She picked it up, put it in the bin, and continued reading (она подняла ее, бросила в мусорное ведро и продолжила читать).
Обоснование: В тексте сказано: "Then she calmly
his cigarette up, put it in the bin and 20
Пояснение: Picked up означает подняла, put in the bin означает бросила в мусорное ведро.

8. Вопрос: How did the other passengers in the compartment react to this incident?
Ответ: They watched the episode with great interest (они наблюдали этот эпизод с большим интересом).
Обоснование: В тексте сказано: "The whole compartment, who 21
the episode with great interest 22​."
Пояснение: Watched означает наблюдали, great interest означает большим интересом.
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