One evening late in 1941, Colonel Montgomery of Scotland Yard, found himself standing before the members of the London Mystery Club, a group that enjoyed discussing mystery novels. “Recently a stranger arrived in London from South America,” the colonel said. ”Our sources have informed us that this man is probably a Nazi agent. We believe that he is a courier of a great deal of wealth with which to finance espionage in Britain. “A few hours after he stepped off the boat we arranged a car accident that sent him to hospital with a fractured arm. Our staff searched his clothes and luggage, which consisted of only a briefcase with letters from his friends in British Guiana. We considered a number of possible ploys but discovered nothing and still don`t know how he might be concealing something else a hundred thousand pounds.” The members turned to one another and whispered for a few moments. Then the president
turned and said, “Colonel, we think you have overlooked a rather obvious possibility: the letter from South America had rare stamps valuable thousands of pounds each.”
1. Which of the following is not true?
A. The detective problem of Colonel Montgomery was solved by the clubmen.
B. The arm of the luckless stranger from South America was broken.
C. The stranger came to London by boat .
D. Colonel Montgomery told the clubmen about the number of possible ploys the strangermight have.
2. The clubmen came to the conclusion that the stranger:
A. posted currency to himself and used stamps.
B. had valuable stamps.
C. had an arm fractured in the car accident.
D. was sent to hospital by Scotland Yard.
3. The London Mystery Club members:
A. coped with the problem.
B. enjoyed discussing the mystery novel.
C. were intelligence service men.
D. overlooked a rather obvious possibility.
4. The stranger was:
A. a financier.
B. a Nazi agent in Mystery Club.
C. a South American refugee.
D. a possessor of a great deal of wealth.
5. The word espionage means:
A. counterfeit.
B. deceit.
C. practice of spying or using spies.
D. speculation.