ОДНО ЗАДАНИЕ ДЛЯ ГЛАВНЫХ Мозгов Put the words in the right order and make sentences 1) lessons / started / last / I / piano / year
2) go / I / last / didn’t / school / to / week
3) the / didn’t / at / football / I / play / weekend
4) was / for / I / late / morning / school / yesterday
5) you / night / home / did / at / last / stay?
6) you / watch / did / yesterday / television?
7) my computer / I / use / didn’t / yesterday.

kakhaeva02 kakhaeva02    1   03.03.2021 06:16    0

Dashaaleshenko Dashaaleshenko  02.04.2021 06:17

1) I started piano lessons last year

2) I didn't go to school last week

3) I didn't play football at the weekend

4) I was late for school yesterday morning

5) Did you stay at home last night?

6) Did you watch television yesterday?

7) I didn't use computer yesterday


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