Очень срочьна пож

Трансформируйте предложения из косвенной речи в прямую, как

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He said that he could speak German. – “I can speak German”.

1. She said that we would be able to meet on Friday.

2. She asked if she could borrow my car.

3. He said that I didn’t need to work late that evening.

4. Ann said that she would call me the nest day.

5. He said that I had to do my homework immediately.

6. They said that they might go to the cinema that night.

7. Mum asked if I would help her carry the boxes.

tolia24465 tolia24465    3   10.04.2020 14:28    9

ФамилГасанов ФамилГасанов  10.04.2020 14:30

Mary tried hard to persuade her friend but she  

change her mind.


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