Очень нужно Выберите правильный вариант:

1. Those shoes cost... mine.

a) as much as b) more as c) as many as d) as more than

2. I haven't given ... permission to take my copy-book.

a) someone b) everybody c) anyone d) no one

3. If the weather ... fine next Sunday, we'll go to the country.

a) will be b) is c) was d) would be

4. The policeman said that they ... to the police station.

a) will be taken b) were taken

c) would taken d) would be taken

5. What programme ... so late?

a) do you watch b) are you watching

c) you are watching d) you watch

6. How long ...to the technical school?

a) does it take to get b) it takes to get

c) it does take to get d)does take it to get

7. These are not your books, they are

a) my b) yours c) mine d) me

8. ... answered all the letters yet?

a) did you b) you have c) you did d) have you

9. We don't have ... time. Please, hurry up!

a) many b) a lot of c) much d) a little

10. This door ... when there are not many people in the shop.

a) is closed b) closed c) close d) was close

НикДратути НикДратути    1   02.06.2020 17:02    9

iae1512p0dn07 iae1512p0dn07  06.09.2020 22:21

ответ: your answers :3

acb dbacdca
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