Очень нужно. Упражнение 3. Перепишите цепочку и поставьте где нужно определенный артикль.

1. Washington - Germany - Middle East – Spain

2. 10-th floor – room 21 – flight BA201 – item 63

3. Ms Jones – Browns – Doctor Wells- Lord Smith

4. Salespeople – company president – customers – suppliers

5. Unemployed- elderly- rich – man

6. Work – hospital on the corner – space – school

Упражнение 4. Найдите и исправьте ошибки:

1. The dinner will be at 5 p.m. Don’t be late!

2. Ivanovs is the most popular family in Russia.

3. My elder sister is the teacher of Spanish.

4. It is a most beautiful idea I’ve ever heard.

5. The lecture was in the auditorium 5.

Упражнение 5. Перепишите предложение и выберите правильный артикль.

a. Would you like to be a/the teacher?

b. She is an/the tallest woman in this crowd.

c. A/The Pacific Ocean is a/the biggest one.

d. Give me a/an orange from the plate.

e. My little daughter likes a/__ juice.

Гульжа1234 Гульжа1234    1   19.10.2020 02:19    20

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