ОЧЕНЬ НУЖНА ВАША ЗАРАНЕЕ БОЛЬШОЕ Раздел «Грамматика и Лексика»

Задание 3.

Прочитайте предложения и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из списка. Запишите в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ выбранные слова под соответствующими цифрами.
















1.Oxford and Cambridge are the most famous in Britain.

2.After the hot summer there was a of water.

3.At the sea there were a lot of , most of them were families with little children.

4. I was born in Moscow, so Moscow is my .

5.The bridge across the river the old and the new parts of the city.

6.You can see clouds of different in the sky.

7. We were greatly by the performance of the actors.

8. The sleeves of my cardigan have so much that they cover my hands.

9.The Missouri and the Colorado in the Rocky Mountains of North America.

10. Dinosaurs are animals.

11. The weather in April is always : it may be rainy in the morning and warm and sunny in the afternoon.

12. What countries of the world have got nuclear ?

13. When we speak about a we mean a place where a certain animal or plant is usually found.

14. Many people understand they should protect the .

15.We can see a lot of trees on the other of the lake.

Задание 4.

Вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму, выбрав её из трех предложенных вариантов. Запишите в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ выбранные буквы под соответствующими цифрами.

1. Mr. Brown was teacher in the sixth form.

A) them

B) their

C) theirs

2. She gave us her address and gave her .

A) I …. my

B) they … their

C) we …. ours

3. The house built by my father in 1990.

A) was

B) were

C) is

4. Are keys yours?

A) that

B) these

C) this

5. He often the guitar because he is fond of music.

A) plays

B) will play

C) played

6. Mary any brothers or sisters?

A) Have … got

B) Does … have

C) Does … has

7. It yesterday, but today it is sunny.

A) rain

B) rains

C) rained

8. They late for school last Monday.

A) were

B) was

C) are

9. Nothing dangerous tomorrow.

A) happen

B) happens

C) will happen

10. Excuse me, I for a hotel. Is there one near here?

A) look

B) am looking

C) looked

11. He doesn’t know the ending of the book, he it yet.

A) hasn’t read

B) isn’t reading

C) doesn’t read

12. I don’t want too late.

A) him come back

B) he come back

C) him to come back

13. While Mary dinner, the guests were watching TV.

A) was making

B) had made

C) made

14. It was early morning. Ben his composition by that time.

A) was writing

B) had written

C) wrote

15. Helen the flat before her parents came.

A) was cleaning

B) had cleaned

C) cleans​

Wolffy Wolffy    2   08.05.2020 09:32    4

uikyky uikyky  14.10.2020 10:49

1. universities

2. shortage

3. holidaymakers

4. birthplace

5. connects

6. shapes

7. exited

8. stretched

9. rise

10. extinct

11. changeable

12. weapon

13. habitat

14. environment

15. shore

 задание 4

1. B

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. A

6. B

7. C

8.  A

9. C

10. B

11. A

12. C

13. A

14. B

15. B


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