Очень нужна Буду очень ,благодарна, тем кто это сделает. EXERCISES
1 Give Russian equivalents to the following:
ordinarily, performance level of the offer, level of quality, to be aware, presumed
quality level, to gain market share, discount pricing, pharmaceuticals, to evaluate.
2 Complete these sentences with the words given below in appropriate
form and translate the sentences into Russian:
quality, to select, to value, a high price, higher, shorter, to improve
1 Ordinarily the lower price communicates lower
2 A company determines a price by ... a price that reflects how the market ...
its level of quality.
3 A Mercedes-Benz vehicle can command ... in the market place.
4 Employers always ask for... wages and working hours.
5 The position of the Company was ... when we launched that program.
3 Complete the sentences and translate them into Russian:
1 A price sends a message to a customer
2 Some Companies had to reevaluate
3 In order to gain market share
4 Generally companies determine a price by
5 A Mercedes-Benz vehicle is considered
4 Substitute the underlined words with their synonyms from the list
especially, more and more, demand, to estimate, to set up, to
appear to emerge
1 Nowadays we are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of this
2.1 am particularly interested in selling the products.
3 It will be very difficult to meet this particular requirement.
4 When these processes do not function well, unfortunate problems can arise.
5 It is difficult to evaluate all the factors influencing performance efficiency.
6 It would be desirable to establish a special commission to deal with this