ОЧЕНЬ НАДО И ! Mr Green: Well, I wasn't very good at school, but I always loved computers!

Jo: Me too!

Mr Green: I always played a lot of computer games. Then, one day, I made

a computer game -- you know, I invented a new game.

Jack: Wow!

Mr Green: Oh, it was a very easy little game, but … it worked. When I left

school, I started to work for a software company - not much money, but it

was fun. Howard was the boss. And Howard liked me. I invented some games.

My favourite was "The Smith Family"

Ananda: You invented "The Smith Family"?! That's a great game! I play it

a lot!

Jo: Me too!

Mr Green: You and thousands of other kids. That game made lots and lots

of money -- a million pounds - for Howard.

Sophie: Phew! A million pounds?!

Mr Green: Yes, a million pounds! So I wento Howard. "T'd like more

money!" I said. Howard said: "Of course: I can give you £500." Howard got a

million pounds for my games! And he wanted to give me just 500!

Sophie: That's terrible!

Mr Green: Yes! I said to Howard: "I'm going.

Ananda: Very good idea!

Mr Green: Yeah. But Howard didn't like it! He said: "You can't go, I need

you!" He was very angry. But I went. And then things started to happen.

Jo: What things? What happened?

Mr Green: Phone calls, all the time. But when I went to the phone, there

was nobody there. And then there was a man -- he followed me all the time.

I was scared. So I decided: "I have to hide. " I came here, to Bristol. But suddenly

the man was there again.

Jack: The man in black.

Mr Green: Yes. He followed me all the time. And sometimes somebody else

followed me.

Ananda: Er, that was

Jack: Ananda!

Mr Green: Well, one Saturday I met my girlfriend at the station -- she

came down from London to bring me some important letters. I'm sure there

was somebody

Sophie: So what happened next?

Mr Green: Well, I worked and worked, and I invented this new game. It's

called "City maker". You make a whole city: you design it, build it, make it

work. You can build your city by a river

Sophie: Then you have to have bridges …

Mr Green: Right! Or you can build it in the mountains - maybe you have

to clear the ground

Jack: Did you talk to my Mum about the game, Mr Green?

Mr Green: Yes, your mum helped me a lot.

Jack: Now I understand.

Mr Green: Well, anyway, today the man came here

Jack: The man in black?

Mr Green: Right. He works for Howard: he wanted my new game.

Dan: No!

Mr Green: Yes! But he didn't get it. Jack and Sophie helped me. Jack locked

the door, and Sophie called the police. They saved the game -- and they saved


All: Well done, Jack! Well done, Sophie! Well done, SHoCK Team!

Mr Green: SHoCK Team? Now it's your turn to answer a question: what is

the "SHoCK Team"?

ОЧЕНЬ НАДО И ! Mr Green: Well, I wasn't very good at school, but I always loved computers!Jo: Me too

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