Очень быстро нужно

4 Match the questions and answers.
1 What does she look like?
2 What’s Francisco like?
3 How’s your brother?
4 What sports do you like?
5 Do you like Dong Liang?
6 Do they like Chinese food?
7 Do you like Mona?
8 What’s the weather like?

a Yes, they love it!
b No, I don’t. He’s rude and unfriendly.
c Yes, I like her a lot.
d He’s tall, dark and good-looking.
e She’s got long brown hair and she wears glasses.
f Beautiful! Blue skies and sunshine.
g He’s fine, thanks.
h I like swimming and cycling.

6. Read the article. Write true (T) or false (F).
The Great Famine
The year of 1845 changed the history of Ireland forever. The weather was good so people were expecting a good potato crop that year. What they didn’t know was that a new form of potato disease had been brought into Europe.
The disease first appeared in America two years earlier, then it arrived via cargo ships into France and finally reached the Isle of Wight and Ireland. It turned potatoes into a black, rotten mess, which nobody could eat. More than half of the year’s crop was destroyed.
Irish people depended on potatoes for their survival. Most people owned very small areas of land, and they grew potatoes instead of grain because a farmer could produce three times as much food on the same plot of land. A single acre of potatoes produced enough food for a family for a year. Each family grew only what they needed as they didn’t have anywhere to store potatoes over the winter.
There was famine all over the country. People went hungry without any food to eat for days. Then in 1846, the potato crop was devastated once again. The harvest in 1847 was also very poor. Three years without potatoes led to enormous problems for Ireland.
The British government, which ruled Ireland at the time, first did very little to help the people in need. In fact, during the crisis, British landlords continued exporting food from the country simply because they could get a better price abroad. Finally, in 1847 the government decided to do something about Ireland. They set up soup kitchens to give free food to people who needed it the most. They also started work programmes to help people make money so they could buy food for their families. But it was too little, too late.
Between 1845 and 1855, more than 700,000 Irish people died. After the famine, an estimated 2 million people left the country. Some people started new lives in Britain’s industrial cities, for example Glasgow, London and Liverpool. Others went to the USA. The population of Ireland dropped by more than a quarter.
The Great Famine, as they called the hunger crisis, transformed Irish culture and had a big effect on the Gaelic language. The crisis was worst in the west of Ireland, where most Gaelic speakers lived. Families who decided to emigrate no longer had any use for Gaelic in their new countries, and future generations of Irish immigrants didn’t learn the language at all. Today only a small minority of Irish people speak Gaelic as their first language.
But many historians believe it was also the Great Famine that led to the nationalist movements which finally brought about Ireland’s independence from Britain in 1921.

1. The potato crop in 1845 was better than people expected. ___
2. The disease appeared in America in 1843. ___
3. Farmers produced enough potatoes for their families, but not enough for difficult times. ___
4. 1847 was the third year when Ireland had problems with the potato crop. ___
5. In the 1840s the landlords in Ireland were British. ___
6. The British government bought food for Ireland from other countries during the crisis. ___
7. Work programmes started in 1847 to help people make money for food. ___
8. A lot of Irish people moved to England, Scotland and the USA after the Famine. ___
9. Before the Famine, people only spoke English in the west of Ireland. ___
10. Later generations of Irish immigrants learned Gaelic as their first language. ___
11. Some historians claim the country’s independence in 1921 was a consequence of the Great Famine. ___

saraikina122 saraikina122    2   25.05.2020 12:25    18

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