, очень Answer the questions according to the text 1) How is Tom dressed at the start of the scene? 2) What changes does Legree make to Tom’s clothing? 3) How does Legree discover that Tom is a religious man? 4) What is Legree’s attitude to this? 5) Why do the crew of the boat find Tom’s possessions so amusing? 6) What do they do with them? 7)What possessions is Tom left with at the end of the scene? 8) How would you describe Legree’s treatment of Tom, and his attitude to slaves in general? 9) What is symbolized by this description of how Tom is gradually deprived of all his clothes and possessions? 10) Which of the words would best describe Tom’s behaviour throughout the scene? (angry, calm, despairing, passive, resigned, violent) Нерсисян 11 клас ст 91 вправа 2