ОБЫЧНЫЙ ТЕСТ 3. Michelle does boxing, but she tennis.
- doesn’t plays
- isn’t playing
- plays
- doesn’t play
4. Найдите правильный вариант глагола: Our teacher when pupils come late.
- don’t like
- not like
- do like
- doesn’t like
- likes not
5. I have been reading this book 4 hours now. My eyes are tired. I haven’t sleep 6 o’clock.
- Since/since
- Since/for
- For/since
- For/for

6. – Your present is again a book?! - I am sorry. I that next time I will buy you something else.
- Am promise
- Promises
- Promise
- Am promising
7. I saw old friend of mine week ago.
- a/a
- an/an
- a/an
- an/a
8. You are in the class. Ask a friend to close the door.
- Could you close the door, please?
- Would you be so kind not to judge me strictly for closing the door?
- close the door
- Excuse me, but do you think you could possibly close the door?
9. I the window before I my room.
- hadn’t closed/was leaving
- hadn’t closed/left
- didn’t close/had left
- didn’t close/left
10. I know it is time, but I haven’t finished .
- Yet
- Just
- Already
- So far

ольга591 ольга591    2   18.02.2021 16:04    1

aylinafedorovaoyhkfx aylinafedorovaoyhkfx  18.02.2021 16:10

3. doesn’t play

4. doesn’t like

5. for, since

6. promise

7. an, a

8. Could you close the door, please?

9. hadn't closed, left

10. yet

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