Объяснить на языке значения словосочитаний: emotional activity; emotional storm; outbreaks of rage; to show rapport; marital situation; interpersonal attitudes; to have an impact on; to provide a complete overview; to receive acknowledgement; fight-or-flight response; to be vulnerable.
emotional storm - feeling of shock or depression;
outbreaks of rage - to feel mad suddenly;
to show rapport - to present the conclusions;
marital situation - your position in private life, if you are married or single, etc;interpersonal attitudes - relationships between people;
to have an impact on - to have an influance ;
to provide a complete overview - to prepare full review of something;
to receive acknowledgement - to get approval;
fight-or-flight response - it's the reaction to some percieved feelings;
to be vulnerable - to be under the risk of something .