Образуйте во и отрицание к предложению
He has already read this book
They have bought a new car
You have drunk three cups of tea today
Jane has gone to England
Mike has lost his wallet
Anna has visited Paris several times

юрпа юрпа    2   02.06.2020 17:50    27

disapitr disapitr  06.09.2020 22:19

1. Has he already read this book? He hasn’t already read this book

2. Have they bought a new car? They haven’t bought a new car

3. Have you drunk three cups of tea today? You haven’t drunk three cups of tea today

4. Has Jane gone to England? Jane hasn’t gone to England

5. Has Mike lost his wallet? Mike hasn’t lost his wallet

6. Has Anna visited Paris several time? Anna hasn’t visited Paris several times

Удачи! :)

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