Образуйте причастие времени в пассивном залоге, т. е. необходимо образовать причастие от глагола в скобках. Образовать причастия, написать предложения.
1. The bread is (cut) by the boy.

2. The picture is (draw) by the master.

3. The milk is (drink) by the cat.

4. The meat is (eat) by the dog.

5. The song is (sing) by the singer.

6. The car is (drive) by the driver.

7. The wall is (paint) by the decorator (маляр).

8. The fish is (catch) by the fisherman (рыбак).

9. The tiger is (trap) by the trapper. (траппер - охотник, ставящий капканы)

10. The bag is (carry) by the porter. (носильщик)

Rozaroza1234 Rozaroza1234    2   15.04.2020 13:16    1

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