Образуйте множественное число существительных, сделав необходимые изменения во всем предложении. Н-р: The child is from Mexico, he is 10 years old. (Ребенок из Мексики, ему 10 лет.) – The children are from Mexico, they are 10 years old. (Дети из Мексики, им по 10 лет.)

The woman liked the story. (Женщине понравилась история.)
The white mouse is in the box. (Белая мышь находится в коробке.)
The policeman is an American. (Полицейский – американец.)
His wife is a secretary. (Его жена – секретарь.)
This is a sandwich with butter and cheese. (Это бутерброд с маслом и сыром.)
He is my favourite actor. (Он – мой любимый актер.)
My friend is a student. (Мой друг- студент.)
There is a big fish in the river. (В реке большая рыба.)
The bookshelf is between the mirror and the sofa. (Книжная полка находится между зеркалом и диваном.)
I can see a sheep in the field. (Я вижу овечку в поле.)

moskvarodina345 moskvarodina345    2   11.12.2020 02:54    176

Dashakon58 Dashakon58  10.01.2021 02:57

1.They  are  ladies.  

2. They are gentlemen.  

3. They are honest partners.  

4. They are good translators.

5. They are accountants.  

6. These are mice.  

7. These are butterflies  

8. They are fishermen.  

9. They are Portuguese.  

10. These are swine.  

11.  These are good offers.  

12.  There are ships in the sea.  

13. There are sheep on the meadows.  

14. There are Vietnamese in our groups.  

15 These are good dictionaries.  

16. We are teenagers.  

17. Those men are Germans.  

18. We are experts on business.  

19. There are mice in the kitchen.  

20. These women are Chinese.

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