Образуйте герундий от глагола в скобках. start … about pleasant things — and you’ll be happy! (think) americans enjoy … houses and … to new places. (change/ move) would you like to go … in the sea? (sail) most people enjoy … in the sun. (lie) i haven’t had my lunch yet. do you mind … outside for ten minutes? (wait) john likes … at a high speed. (drive) stop … about your troubles. (worry) jack was proud of … the first prize for…. (get/ jump) helen was so angry that she left without… a word. (say)

romashchenko17 romashchenko17    1   02.10.2019 22:30    103

dashalimonka2 dashalimonka2  09.10.2020 12:40
1. Thinking
2. Changing, moving
3. Sailing
4. Lying
5. Waiting
6. Driving
7. Worring
8. Getting, jumping
9. Saying