Образуй present continuous данных глаголов. поставь данныe глаголы в present continuous и впиши их в текст: play,rain,read,sit,stay,wash,watch. this is sunday afternoon and the greens are at home.mr the dishes.mrs an interesting book. grandmother and grandfather on the sofa and tv.the children tv. they are in their room.they computer qames. it is very cold outside.it and the greens at home.

nasik134 nasik134    3   29.08.2019 06:00    12

arinakirkot arinakirkot  06.10.2020 02:15
Eating, jumping, playing, shaving, flying, singing, making, swimming, doing, typing, drinking, digging, coming, reading, sitting, listening, cutting, writing, sleeping.
is washing
is reading
are sitting and watching
aren't watching (без not)
are playing
is raining; are staying
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