нужно зделать тест нужно зделать за 20 минут Language Test 9B**
1 Complete the sentences with an, some or any.
1 The documentary about the rainforest was hour long.
2 His sports equipment is old and he wants to buy new equipment.
3 Are there good book shops in your town?
4 Is there interesting information about the subject on the internet?
5 Gregory Martin found interesting job in New York.
6 He’s tired and he doesn’t want to do work.

___/6 marks

2 Complete the dialogues with one word in each space.
A How 1 homework have you got for tomorrow?
B We’ve got a 2 of homework, I’m afraid.

A How 3 DVDs have you got?
B I haven’t got 4 DVDs, but I’ve got 5 lot of tracks on my MP3 player.

A Has she got 6 good teachers at school?
B Yes, and she also has a
7 good friends.

A There isn’t 8 fruit in the kitchen.
B No, but there’s a 9 cheese in the fridge.

___/9 marks

3 Complete the sentences with indefinite pronouns.
1 had a good time at the party. The music and food was great.
2 It’s winter and there’s snow .
3 She put her keys , but now she can’t find them.
4 ‘There’s at the front door.’ ‘Who is it?’
5 ‘There’s behind the door.’ ‘What is it?’
6 There’s in the house. They’ve gone to the cinema.
7 ‘What’s wrong?’ ‘There’s wrong. I’m fine.’
8 Is there dangerous in this box?
9 The museum was amazing! I saw in it!
10 I can’t see in the classroom. All the students are at home.

___/10 marks

1 What is their job? Label the people.











___/10 marks

2 Complete the sentences with one word in each space.
1 They’ve got a beautiful house. They had a very good .
2 ‘What’s wrong with the lights?’ ‘I don’t know. Let’s call a(n) .’
3 ‘You’re very fit.’ ‘I exercise with a good fitness .’
4 Mike is a bus . He loves his bus.
5 ‘How much is the computer? Is it expensive?’ ‘Ask the shop .

___/5 marks

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.
1 He doesn’t like his job. It’s ! He does the same things every day, and he’s bored. (dullness)
2 Pamela makes a lot of money. She’s lucky because she has a well- job. (pay)
3 Rosa works and she also has a big family. Her life is . (stress)
4 Terry loves being a nurse, and he feels good when he helps people. His job is . (satisfy)
5 I’m an artist and I paint pictures. I have a job. (create)
6 David’s job is . He does something different every day. (vary)
7 I work 11 hours a day and I carry heavy things. I have a job. (tire)
8 Celia’s job is . She’s a scientist, and she studies wild animals in Africa. (fascinate)
9 They drive fast cars and jump off high buildings in films. Their job is . (danger)
10 You’re lucky. You have a job in a library. It’s quiet and there isn’t much work. (relax)

___/10 marks

1 Put the dialogue in the correct order.
I’ve got some bad news, too. Do you remember I took part in a short story competition? I wanted to win first prize, but I won third prize.
Hi Barbara! I’ve got some good news and some bad news. Well, you know Felix died three months ago …
That was the bad news. I didn’t win first prize.
Well, my parents got me another cat.
Hi Jake! You look happy. What’s up?
Yes, you told me. That was terrible!
Honestly, Jake! You’re very silly sometimes!
Now what’s the bad news?
Oh well. It doesn’t matter. It’s still very good.
That’s brilliant. Now I know why you look so happy.

___/10 marks

Total: ___/60 marks

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