goat, goat , give me your coat!
bat, bat, sit down on my leg!
geese,geese have you (got сюда хорошо бы поставить) any cheese?
boys,boys, give us your toys!
Lily,Lily, dont be so silly!
cock,cock,look at the board!
snake,snake, come out of the space !
quail,quail, where is your tail?
mouse,mouse, where is your house?
mice,mice bring me some ice
goat, goat , give me your coat!
bat, bat, sit down on my leg!
geese,geese have you (got сюда хорошо бы поставить) any cheese?
boys,boys, give us your toys!
Lily,Lily, dont be so silly!
cock,cock,look at the board!
snake,snake, come out of the space !
quail,quail, where is your tail?
mouse,mouse, where is your house?
mice,mice bring me some ice