Нужно задать вопросы 4 спецальных и 1 общий: 1.mary started work at 9 o'clock yesterday. 2.jack finished his test 15 minutes aqo. 3.alice read a book 3 days aqo. 4.kete beqan to sinq at 6

AnnaKhusainova AnnaKhusainova    1   20.06.2019 04:30    4

про739 про739  02.10.2020 05:53
1 when did marry start to work?
who did start to work ?
what did marry start to do?
what time did marry start to work?
did marry start to work at 9 oclock  yesterday
2when did jack finish his test
who did finish  test ?
what did do jack
how minutes did jack take to finish his test 
did jack finish his test 15minutes ago
3when did alice read a book
what did do alice
who did read a book 3 days ago
how days did alice take to read a book
did alice read a book 3days ago
4what time  did kete begin to sing
who did begin to sing
what did do kete
what did begin to do kete
did kete begin to sing at 6
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