Нужно задать специальные вопросы. Время Past indefinite tence. 1. Rich noble people were members of the Russian Tourist Society. (Who, What kind of...) 2. The Russian Tourist Society came into being in 1901. (What, When) 3. Thomas Cook Company was well-known in Russia inthe 19th century. (What, Where, When) 4. The first Russian guide books gave details of Moscow and St. Petersburg sights. (What, What kind of...) 5. Tourist boom started about 30 or 40 years ago. (What, When, How long ago) 6. Before 1855 Thomas Cook Company dealt with domestic tourism only. (When, What, What kind of...) 7. Steamships carried passengers on all oceans of the world. (What, Whom, What kind of...) 8. The WTO emerged in 1975. (What, When) 9. The UN conference on international travel and tourism took place in Rome in1963. (What, What kind of..., Where, When) 10. The first motor-cars appeared in the late 19th century. (What, When) 11. Thomas Cook set up the first travel agency in the middle of the 19th century. (Who, What, When) 12. Thomas Cook provided his tourists with meals and tickets for the races during the first group tour. (Who, Whom, What, When) 13. The rich went to German health resorts for treatment and recreation. (Who, Where, Why) 14. In the 19th century tourism was for the rich because they had enough money and spare time. (When, What, Why)

Vadim43k Vadim43k    1   16.06.2020 19:29    166

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