Нужно взять одно предложение и написать его во всех временах в прямом и косвенном случае.

ABI04 ABI04    1   07.04.2019 17:44    0

Steam1112 Steam1112  28.05.2020 19:59

I go to school every day. Present Simple

I went to school yesterday. Past Simple

I will go to school tomorrow. Future Simple

I am going to school now.Present Continuous

I was going to school when the phone rang.Past Continuous

I will be going to school tomorrow from 10 a.m. till 11. Future continuous

I have just gone to school.Present Perfect

I had gone to school and after that I went for a walk. Past Perfect

I will have gone to school by the end of the week. Future Perfect.

I have been going to school since 2006. Present Perfect Continuous

I had been going to school for 10 years before I finished it. Past Perfect Continuous

By the end of 2015 I will have been going to school for 10 years. Future Perfect Continuous.

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