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2. the mobile phone has become the preferred phone, replacing the fixed phone as the main medium of voice communications for increasingly large numbers of end users; the world of total mobility having arrived. 3. not only is the world mobile communications market growing at a remarkable rate, it is also undergoing profound changes 4. the consumers beginning to appreciate the benefits of mobile communications their usage has begun to increase. 5. there is a growing need for manufacturers to enhance their competitive position by producing new phones with improved features. 6. increasing the talktime is now regarded as more important than improving the standby time as few users require standby times in excess of a couple of days 7. achieving the goal of total mobility will require vendors and operators to develop and deploy new solutions for capacity and coverage to provide equality of access with the fixed networks. 8. operators will need to provide new and flexible service offerings designed to stimulate increased usage and address new customer segmnents