Нужно вставить пропущенные слова с) with more than four carbon atoms in each molecule are liquid. crude is a liquid under normal temperature and pressure. it is a mixture of more 100 different hydrocarbon molecules. as hydrocarbon molecules get they have a boiling point, so it possible to separate the hydrocarbons. this happens at a . d) gasoline is a mixture of hydrocarbons with between five and eleven carbon atoms. it burns easily and is an important fuel. it is colourless but we add colour for .naphthas are hydrocarbons with between seven and thirteen carbon atoms. they clear liquids. we do not use them as fuels, but we can change their molecular structure at the refinery to different fuels. they are for paints and products that dry quickly. kerosene, diesel, and fuel oils are mixtures of larger molecules with higher boiling points. the largest hydrocarbons in crude oil are solid. they have more 50 carbon atoms in long chains. bitumen (am e = asphalt) is an example. we use bitumen for roads

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