Нужно вставить нужные предлоги! ! совсем запуталась. 1. when mary opened a the first time her life, her voice shook nervousness. 2. the young scientist shook hands his friends, who had come the airport to see him 3. i wonder why bob is such an ill-natured boy. it's a pity he only takes his mother looks! 4. ask kate to join our party. she looks serious, but 1 know she is very jolly nature and is fond singing and dancing. 5. since more and more people are going winter sports to-day, skis are usually great demand when winter ap- proaches. there is also a great demand skates. 6.1 know my own experience that to gain a good knowledge a fore- ign language one must work hard it every day. 7. having no teaching little children, comrade ivanov sat in at other teachers' classes before he himself began to teach. spite the fact that he made a few mistakes, everybody liked his talk. 9. i don't advise you to allow your son to go the cinema very often. i am sure he does it the expense his studies. 10. which year did the russian people gain the victory napoleon [na'poulianj ? i i . which books jack london have you read the original? 12. the wor- kers the factory strike and the news spread quickly all over the place. 13. many african patriots have been arre- sted spite the fact that they are not guilty any crime. 14. he's only come a short stay, but the news his arrival spread in no time.

rudaniladanilov rudaniladanilov    1   18.05.2019 21:30    26

777772018777777 777772018777777  12.06.2020 02:47

1. When Mary opened a meeting for the first time in her life, her voice shook of nervousness.

2. The young scientist shook hands of his friends, who had come at the airport to see him in. (или off - встречал или провожал)

3. I wonder why Bob is such an ill-natured boy. It's a pity he only takes care of his mother in looks! 4. Ask Kate to join our party. She looks serious, but I know she is very jolly in nature and is fond of singing and dancing.

5. Since more and more people are going winter sports to-day, skis are usually in great demand when winter ap- proaches. There is also a great demand in skates.

6. I know from my own experience that to gain a good knowledge in a fore-foreign language one must work hard on it every day.

7. Having no experience of teaching little children, Comrade Ivanov sat in at other teachers' classes before he himself began to teach.

8. In spite of the fact that he made a few mistakes, everybody liked his talk.

9. I don't advise you to allow your son to go to the cinema very often. I am sure he does it of the expense from his studies.

10. In which year did the Russian people gain the victory over Napoleon [na'poulianj ?

I I . Which books of Jack London have you read in the original?

12. The workers of the factory went to strike and the news spread quickly all over the place.

13. Many African patriots have been arrested in spite of the fact that they are not guilty in any crime.
14. He's only come for a short stay, but the news about his arrival spread in no time.

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