нужно вставить артикли(a/an/the)
1)we cannot live .
is built .
are going to .
4) jane spoke when she was .
5)my friends month.
6)they stayed
вставьте must/have to/mustnt /dont have to/doesnt have to
1)we are going to drive for six hours. something to eat!
2)i watch tv all the time.
3) up early on holidays
4)this windoy is broken. it.
5)mr.brown is a very rich man.
6)it is his sisters birthday tomorrow. her a birthday present!

DeNiSNoNs DeNiSNoNs    3   24.10.2019 13:39    2

crazzylolipoop crazzylolipoop  10.10.2020 09:22

1 the

2 A, he

3 A, the, a

4 a, a

5 a, the

6 the, a, the


2 have to

3 mustnt

4 doesnt have to

5 doesnt have to


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