Play tennis - играть в теннис. Clean teeth ( вообще-то правильно Bruth teeth ) - чистить зубы. Wash hands and face - мыть руки и лицо. Have breakfast - завтракать. Drink juice - пить сок.
My friend doesn't like play tennis. I clean teeth every morning and evening. I don't want wash my hands and face. I have already had my breakfast. I want to drink some juice.
Clean teeth ( вообще-то правильно Bruth teeth ) - чистить зубы.
Wash hands and face - мыть руки и лицо.
Have breakfast - завтракать.
Drink juice - пить сок.
I clean teeth every morning and evening.
I don't want wash my hands and face.
I have already had my breakfast.
I want to drink some juice.