Нужно составить по 1 примеру на каждое время were happening at the same time in the past? was in progress at a stated time in the past? was happening when another action interrupted it? happened before another action in the past? happened one after the other in the past? shows the duration of a past action happening before another past action?

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olgap51olga olgap51olga  07.10.2020 09:10
1 past indefinite
he got up at 7 o'clock last year.
2 past continuos
she was reading at 4 o'clock yesterday evening
3 past perfectcontinous
i had been washing up when the telephone rang
4 past perfect
we had finished watching the movie before mom came back home
5 past indefinite
the boy washed his hands, cleaned his teeth and brushed his hair
6 past perfect continuos
they had been singing for half an hour before the teacher came.