, нужно составить план текста используя только существительные For many people, escaping the UK winter means an adrenalin-fuelled trip to the slopes, but you will enjoy your holiday that much more if your body is ready for action. Margaret Hughes finds out how to prepare for the piste

Pure white snow, clean crisp air and brilliant blue skies may sound like heaven, particularly when you add fantastic ski parties, but is your body ready for skiing, one of the most physical of all winter sports?
Skiing enthusiast Louise Hurley agrees it is a fantastic way to forget about the stresses and strains of the British winter, but warns you need to be ready for it.

Alpine workout

“Start doing some exercise around two months before your trip,” she says. “This is particularly important if you have not worked out for some time.”
“Work on improving your overall level of fitness; you should also be doing lots of squats and lunges to strengthen your legs.”
“Have a go at some circuit classes to improve your cardiovascular fitness.”
There is another important reason for improving your fitness before you take to the slope. “You must remember that the high altitude will affect your breathing,” Louise explains, “so being fitter will definitely make your holiday more enjoyable.”
Asking your body to work hard all day in freezing temperatures, at high altitude, also has a miraculous effect on your figure. “Skiing is a fantastic whole body workout, which means your ski trip will help if you are trying to lose a few Christmas pounds,” says Louise.
Skiing and snowboarding are exhilarating sports, but Louise warns that you shouldn’t let your enthusiasm get the better of you. “Like most forms of exercise, it is advisable to start slowly and listen to your body, especially if it starts to ache. Lengthen the time you spend on the slopes each day and take advantage of the sauna, steam room, and spa bath to rest and revive your aching muscles. “If this is your first trip you should join a ski school. You will learn from the experts – plus it’s a lot of fun!”

Bottom’s up

“Snowboarding is also fantastic fun, it is all about legwork and, you need to be fit to really enjoy it, otherwise you can spend a lot of time on your bottom!” she laughs.
​Indeed – strong and supple abdominals, shoulders and arms are as important for snowboarding as strong legs – especially if you’re learning.
​“Injuries occur because people are not prepared. Listen to your body and have a fantastic time!” urges Louise.

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