Нужно составить 10 вопросов на языке по рассказу the printed word. время the simple past tens 1 2 предложение общие 2 2 альтернаивных 3 2 вопроса к подлежащиму 4 2 вопроса сециальных 5 2 вопроса разделительных а я вам

Lola664 Lola664    3   17.05.2019 14:00    6

ubbdfqhdu ubbdfqhdu  10.06.2020 18:39

Всё зависит от темы репортажа... Например, выборы Президента Украины (которые состоялись уже, но допустим что это перед выборами):
- Whom would you like to see as the next president of Ukraine?
- Do you think the elections are going to be democratic this time?
- In your opinion, why Timoshenko doesn't support Yushenko anymore?
- Are you going to vote this year?
- Do you think your vote will be counted or everything is decided already?
- Do you like the current president? If not, please explain why.
- Is it reasonable to believe in results of the exit-polls?
- If Yanukovich wins, will he bring the stability into the country?
- Could you give a reason why many people voting agains everybody this time?
- Should elections be held every four years or people should choose a president for a longer period of time?

Писал всё сам, возможна 1-2 ошибки.

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