Однажды я поехала с родителями на море. Сначала все было прекрасно я ходила и разглядывала город, но потом мы пошли плавать. Я не умела плавать и когда вошла в воду мне стало не по себе в море водились кораллы которые были очень колючими! Когда я поплыла то наступила на один из них и сильно порезалась. Было больно поэтому я больше не плавала! но мне очень хотелось поэтому эта поездка была худшей в моей жизни! Перевод ниже! One day I went with my parents to the sea. At first everything was fine I went and looked at the city, but then we went to swim. I don't know how to swim and when they went into the water I was not myself at sea corals were found which were very prickly! When I swam then stepped on one of them and badly cut. It hurt so I never swam! but I really wanted so this trip was the worst in my
One day I went with my parents to the sea. At first everything was fine I went and looked at the city, but then we went to swim. I don't know how to swim and when they went into the water I was not myself at sea corals were found which were very prickly! When I swam then stepped on one of them and badly cut. It hurt so I never swam! but I really wanted so this trip was the worst in my