Нужно простое сочинение на . про загрязнение природы 6-8 предложений.

Fizruk115 Fizruk115    1   27.05.2019 09:10    3

Zores Zores  01.10.2020 12:41
To prevent contamination of the environment , it is necessary to work in this direction all countries. If one country , will take care of the environment , and the other not, a special wing of it will not.

Caring for nature must be incorporated in the public consciousness , so an early age so it is important to educate children in this direction. The younger generation , it is necessary to talk about what you need to take care of nature , because nature without people perish.

Taking care of nature , we care about themselves, about their health, about their beauty . Our children , grandchildren , great-grandchildren , great-grandchildren also want to breathe clean air, drink clean water, enjoy its beauty . And we can not take them with this opportunity.
Катерика2004 Катерика2004  01.10.2020 12:41
People don't think of when to go out into nature that then you must work hard!
Although only put out a fire and their garbage put in a package and placed in the nearest urn!
People will not hesitate to throw candy wrappers thinking that the only times kinu, not what happen, and you imagine that 1 million so on фантику throw!
But through hundreds of years of our beloved planet earth to turn into a dump!
Before you throw candy wrapper think about the future!
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