Нужно придумать диалог на тему поездка в Лондон. Нужно выбрать А или В и написать по этому плану диагол . ​

Нужно придумать диалог на тему поездка в Лондон. Нужно выбрать А или В и написать по этому плану диа

kositskaya80 kositskaya80    1   09.02.2021 22:14    1

potapovp016 potapovp016  11.03.2021 22:15


- Hi! How're you?

- Hello. Can I help you?

- Yes. I would like to visit London.

- Such a great desicion! I'll help! I can suggest you a great 5-days-tour to the capital of Great Britain!

- Sounds great! How can I reach London?

- Well, if you're talking about means of travelling, I can suggest you a bus or a privat car. During the trip you will also see beautiful landscapes!

- Okay, I think bus is nice. I have been waiting to see Big Ben for ages! It's my teenage dream!

- Lucky you! You'll see Big Ben in the first day of your trip.

- What do you think I should see also? London has so many great places, I just can't choose!

- Well, in your tour you'll visit The Tower Bridge, the ferris wheel called The London Eye and of course The Buckingham Palace! There will be more sights for you, I'll give you a paper with list of all of them!

- Thank you! I can't wait! Will we go from one to another sight by foot?

- Oh no! They are to fat away from each other! The best way is using a double-decker bus - the symbol of London. You can see everything around and take pictures!

- Well, I like the plan from A to Z!

- Glad to hear! The nearest date is 10th of February, will it suit you?

- Yeah, sure!

- Okay! The I'll repeat the plan. The tour-guide will take you from the Square at 10.00 am and then you'll start the trip. Every day at the evening you will go at the hotel. You will spend in London 5 days what is pretty good for see all sights of it. It will cost 1000 euro.

- Thtnk you very much! It suits me!

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