My favourite cartoon is Jackson.In this cartoon there is a family of seven people.There are dad, mom, Lisa,Rose,geddy,boy. Перевод. Мой любимый мультик это барбоскины.В этом мультике есть семья из семи человек.В нем есть папа,мама,Лиза,Роза,Гена,Дружок и малышь.
My the most of favorite cartoon is- Spanch bob Square pants. it is very funny cartoon . i used to watch it everyday. my the most of lovely novel is Sandy. She is squirrel . She is very brave and strong. but in same time i don’t like Patrick.He is Spanch Bob’s best friend. he is very very stupid ,although he is very kind.
Мой любимый мультик это барбоскины.В этом мультике есть семья из семи человек.В нем есть папа,мама,Лиза,Роза,Гена,Дружок и малышь.
it is very funny cartoon .
i used to watch it everyday.
my the most of lovely novel is Sandy. She is squirrel . She is very brave and strong.
but in same time i don’t like Patrick.He is Spanch Bob’s best friend.
he is very very stupid ,although he is very kind.