Нужно перевести текст, желательно своими словами, а не в онлайн переводчиках, заранее . lightning flashed across the sky, followed by the crash of thunder . george philips was driving carefully along the narrow country lane. it was late at night and he was looking forward to reaching his hotel .suddenly his car engine died. ``blast he said angrily. up ahead in the distance he could see a light coming from a castle. he got out of the car and run quickly through the pouring rain towards the huge building .george reached the castle`s big wooden door and rang the bell. the heavy door slowly creaked open. in front of him stood a young woman .oh , please come in out of the rain she said. george thanked her and entered a big hall, then introduced himself and explained what had happened . she told him that he was welcome to spend the night in the castle and led him into the library. george went to warm himself in front of it. they young woman offered to make some tea and left the room. george had been standing there for a few minutes when he heard a voice behind him. `` good evening. i`m mrs mcdougall. my daughter told me we had a guest. please have a seat. soon afterwards the daughter came in . after they had finished their tea, mrs mcdougall offered to show him to his room. george was following her up the huge staircase when he heard her weeping. ``is something wrong ? `` he asked her.``i`m so sorry`` she whispered as tears ran down her wrinkled cheeks. it`s just that you remind me so much of my husband. i haven`t seen him for ten years. the wind was howling outside and george felt a chill run down his spine. when george woke up the next morning, the sun was shining and the birds were singing. he put on his clothes and went downstairs to thank the two women. he had been looking for them for some time before he realized that he was alone in the castle. he wrote a note thanking them for their kindness and returned to his car. to his relief , when he turned the key the car started with a roar . ten minutes later , george stopped at a café to have breakfast . as the waitress was filling his coffee cup she said , that was a terrible storm we had last night , wasn`t it ? george nodded and took a sip of hot coffee. he told her that , as his car had broken down , the mc dougalls had put him up for the night in their castle . but that`s impossible she exclaimed. nobody has lived in that castle since mcdougall and her daughter died in a car accident ten years ago! george stared at her in disbelief and trembling with shock , dropped his coffee cup onto the floor.
Молода жінка запропонувала зробити чаю і покинула кімнату. Джордж простояв там кілька хвилин, коли почув голос позаду себе. "Доброго вечора. Я місіс McDougall. Моя дочка сказала мені, що ми маємо гостя сідайте" Відразу після цього дочка зайшла. Коли вони закінчили чаювання, місіс McDougall запропонувала показати його кімнату. Джордж ішов за нею вгору велетенськими сходами, коли він почув її плач. "Щось не так?" - запитав її. "Мені так шкода" ла вона, сльози текли по її зморщених щоках. - "Щойно ти так сильно нагадав мені мого чоловіка. Я не бачила його вже 10 років". Надворі завивав вітер, і Джордж відчув, як у нього по спині пробігли мурашки. Коли Джордж прокинувся наступного ранку, світило сонце і співали пташки. Він одягнувся і зійшов сходами вниз, щоб подякувати двом жінкам. Він шукав їх якийсь час, перш ніж виявив, що один у замку. Він написав записку, подякувавши їм за доброту, і повернувся до своєї машини. На його полегшення, коли він повернув ключ, машина завелася з ревом. Через 10 хвилин Джордж зупинився в кафе, щоб поснідати. Коли офіціантка наливала каву в чашку, вона сказала: "Жахливий шторм був минулої ночі, правда?" Джордж кивнув і зробив ковток гарячої кави. Він сказав їй, що, коли його машина була поламана, Mc Dougalls прийняли його на ніч у свій замок. "Але це неможливо" - вигукнула вона. - "Ніхто не жив у цьому замку з того часу, як McDougall і його дочка померли в автомобільній аварії 10 років тому!" Джордж з подивом витріщився на неї і, тремтячи від шоку, впустив свою чашку на підлогу.