Нужно перевести текст когда я был в аэропорту, ко мне подошла необычная на вид женщина, у неё были две тяжелые сумки. она показалась мне дружелюбной. попросила меня ей пронести одну из сумок через таможню, и я не стал ей отказывать. она сказала мне, что летит в москву, поэтому лететь мы должны были одним рейсом. через пару минут она якобы отошла в туалет. тогда я пошел с её сумкой на таможню, а в ней нашли драгоценные украшения. я пытался убедить таможенников, что украшения не мои, и они принадлежат женщине, которую я встретил около таможенного стола. они не поверили мне, и решили, что украшения были украдены из музея несколько недель назад. я окинул взглядом помещение и не смог найти эту женщину. после этого некий мужчина пришел на таможню. его черты лица были похожи на исчезнувшую женщину. я догадался, что этот человек был преступником и сообщил об этом таможеннику. они заставили мужчину открыть его чемодан, в нём было платье, очки и парик, к тому же, мужчина забыл снять серьги с ушей. таким образом, преступник был пойман, а я от ареста по ошибке.

kril20101 kril20101    2   20.09.2019 19:40    0

aliyarahimova27 aliyarahimova27  08.10.2020 05:19
When I was at the airport, an unusual woman appeared to me, she had two heavy bags. She seemed friendly to me. The lady asked me to help her carry one of the bags through customs, and I did not refuse her. She told me that she was flying to Moscow, so we had to fly one flight. After a couple of minutes, she allegedly went into the toilet. Then I went from her bag to the customs, and in her found precious jewelry. I tried to convince customs officials that the jewelry was not mine, and they belonged to a woman I met near the customs desk. They did not believe me, and decided that the jewelry was stolen from the museum a few weeks ago. I looked around the room and could not find this woman. After that, a man came to the customs. His features were very similar to a vanished woman. I guessed that this man was a criminal and informed the customs officer about this. They forced the man to open his suitcase, he had a dress, glasses and a wig, besides, the man forgot to remove the earrings from his ears. Thus, the perpetrator was caught, but I was saved from arrest by mistake.
Mazhie Mazhie  08.10.2020 05:19
When I was at the airport, an unusual woman appeared to me, she had two heavy bags. She seemed friendly to me. The lady asked me to help her carry one of the bags through customs, and I did not refuse her. She told me that she was flying to Moscow, so we had to fly one flight. After a couple of minutes, she allegedly went to the toilet. Then I went with her bag to the customs, and in her found precious jewelry. I tried to convince the customs officers that the decorations are not mine, and they belong to the woman I met near the customs desk.They did not believe me, and decided that the jewelry was stolen from the museum a few weeks ago. I looked around the room and could not find this woman. After that, a man came to the customs. His features were very similar to a vanished woman. I guessed that this man was a criminal and informed the customs officer about this. They forced the man to open his suitcase, he had a dress, glasses and a wig, besides, the man forgot to remove the earrings from his ears. Thus, the perpetrator was caught, but I was saved from arrest by mistake.
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