Нужно перевести из прямой речи в косвенную. 1) "she is reading a book now." (she said) 2) "the greens will have come back by next month." (julia said) 3) "did you see ted yesterday ? " (tomas asked freddy) 4) "don't speak so loudly." (dad told me) 5) "what is your name ? " (anton asked me) 6) "look through the window, please". (mum told me) 7) "we were going to the cinema." (kevin said)

малыш115 малыш115    2   26.06.2019 23:10    8

ашпшплщ ашпшплщ  02.10.2020 12:31
1. She said that she was reading a book then.
2. Julia said that the greens would have come back the following month.
3. Tomas asked Freddy that had he seen Ted the day before?
4. Dad told me not to speak so loudly."
5.  Anton asked me what my name is
6. Mum told me to look through the window
7. Kevin said that they had gone to the cinema.
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