Нужно перевести 40 after finishing school one can proceed styling at regular school college institute or university. colleges are paid much attention to nowadays. nephecumsk regional is the only college in nephecumsk it was founded in 1970 and since then has trained more than a thousand qualified workers. the graduates of our college at different enterprises of stavrapol region. now there are many colleges in our region which train qualified workers of different trades. our college trains designers, welders, drillers auto mechanics and others. the training period lasts or 4 years . vocational in struction and training is combined with a complete secondary education . a long with a trade the trainers study technology equipment design economics etc. it's necessary to study a qualified worker and tp apply theoretical know ledge to practice. there are well equipped works shops an out college. the students have practice there . at first we have practice at the and at the end prices. the third and the fourth year students start their work at diploma paper and defe it when graduating from the college