Нужно описание трёх животных,можно выбирать только из этих: лев,жираф,павлин,медведь,слон,обезьяна.пример такой lion has .д. описывать животных с прилагательных big,small,long,short,thin,thick.умоляю 20

кузя177 кузя177    2   15.09.2019 19:00    3

suvorovka06 suvorovka06  07.10.2020 18:04
Легко-The lion is a big animal which lives in Africa. He has four paws, a tail and a big impressive mane. He is a carnivore of the cat family.The giraffe is a  big herbivore with a long neck and spotted skin. He has four hooved legs and a tail.The peacock is an exotic blue bird which cannot fly. It has two legs, a beak. The male peacock can open his tail to form a beautiful fan.The bear is a big animal with thick fur, four paws and a small tail. He eats berries fish and honey.The monkey is not verry big. It has four hands, and a tail useful for climbing. It is very intelligent, almost like a human being.The elephant is a big gray animal with four legs, a long trunk and big floppy ears.
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