Нужно, , , нужно написать рассказ по не менее 10 предложений про то, как победил в шоу и и отправился на необитаемый остров, чтоты там дела, чему научился? ,

topalinskaya topalinskaya    1   05.07.2019 09:10    0

elyushik elyushik  02.10.2020 20:36
I participated in competition of singig won first palace.My prize was a trip on the desert island.There I had to learn to get food,to build housing and to the weapon.At me at first it was impossible to build  housing,but then I could make it.I go learn to get quickly,but strydy.The weapon was heavy to be done but in two days I made a knife,its edge was from a stone,and the handle from a tree.On this island I spend 3 weeks,there it was peasant to me.I thought and decided that I will participate in this competition next year.I after all took part in competition,but didn`t take 1 palace,and borrowed 3 and I went to France to act.I want to tell you that the whole world just fine,you are proud of it.
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