Нужно небольшое сочинение о владимире высоцком на языке (не методом перевода в переводчиках). : ) 60

TaPo4оК TaPo4оК    2   16.07.2019 03:30    1

polinamypp polinamypp  03.10.2020 05:16
The most famous song of Vladimir Vysotsky have been translated and performed in English. It has been over 30 years since the death of Vladimir Semenovich, but his poems still remain topical for a huge number of people. Soviet and Russian migrants and foreigners translate the texts of songs, films and performances, interviews with the participation of Vladimir Vysotsky in a foreign language.

To repeat well-known biography of this man, I will not, and will not argue about the correctness of his private and public life, the circumstances of the death. He lived his life the way he lived and not for me to judge the correctness of the choice of his life.

Vysotsky, you can love it or hate it, but knowing human creativity, which is a significant part of the history of Soviet culture, we have to. I'm not talking about knowing all the songs and roles by heart, but to have a General understanding of his creative activity is a must.
sveto4ckaklana sveto4ckaklana  03.10.2020 05:16
The Wysotsky Group was born in 2005 as a result of creative communication on the Net. Its staff varies sometimes, but the purpose remains the same - the po­pu­la­ri­za­tion of Vla­di­mir Vy­sots­ky’s po­e­ti­cal works among rea­ders who do not speak Rus­sian.Members of the Group do not seek personal popularity and prefer to remain anonymous. 
Nevertheless, we consider it necessary to express our special thanks to the following persons, who helped us with materials and advice "from the outside":
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